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"Join Us for The Ultimate at home experience".

12-unit EE System Center


What to Expect at Your Session

Your 2-hour session has been booked, what now?
What to do after a session?


Be prepared to relax! We have reclining chairs that make relaxing easy. Be kind and courteous to others as it is a shared space. The EESystem will put light into the room as the lights will be turned off during your session. There is a restroom available for your use. Feel free to bring noise cancelling headphones to block out any unwanted sound or listen to relaxing music. Also bring your favorite blanket or pillow to help you truly relax. You may want to wear socks, or bring slippers, as your shoes will be left at the door.

  • ​​​Please hydrate yourself adequately before, during, and after your session as this will help you, flush toxins produced during your session.

  • A specially formulated footbath is strongly encouraged immediately after your session to further reduce toxins.

  • A salt bath within 24 hours of your session would also aid in the rejuvenation process. 

  • Consider purchasing an enhanced EE System™ scalar bracelet/pendant to keep your biofield surrounded with scalar energy when not in the healing zone of the bio-scaler EE System™. These products retain their charge indefinitely.

Guidelines to get the most out of your sessions.


  • We ask that you refrain from talking during your session as this can disrupt your and others peaceful nap.

  • Leave cell phones in your car or at our reception desk as they can be disruptive to the peacefulness you are truly trying to achieve.

  • We also ask that you only bring water into the room.

Some reported benefits.


  • Improved Sleep

  • Increased energy & stamina

  • Relief from pain

  • Improved sense of wellbeing

Results may vary as every individuals experience is unique.
About Time Wellness Retreat, and/or its staff, does not dispense medical advice, prescribe, treat, mitigate, cure, prevent, or diagnose illness and should not be a substitute for medical advice from a physician. Always consult your doctor. The EESystem does not heal the person. The system helps provide an atmosphere for healing. 
EES Pricing
$50,00 per hour
Introductory Offer 

$225 for 4 - (2 hour) sessions in a month,
You can book all 4 sessions at time of purchase.  All 4 Sessions MUST be booked within the same Month.
*Payment due in full at time of 1st session*

This is a great opportunity to get your body acclimated to the system. Twenty hours are recommended to move the energy of the cells to a better place, some may need more, some may need less. You are the guide.

Gift Certificates available! 
Call or email us today to schedule your appointment.
715-448-0445 or email us at:

Hours of Operation

Monday - Veterans Only 10a-6p

Tuesday - 3p-9p
Wednesday - 3p-9p
Thursday - 3p-9p
Friday - 10a-6p
Saturday - 10a-6p
Sunday - CLOSED


About Time Wellness is a faith based not-for-profit organization  
All payments/donations are tax deductible. 

Honoring Veterans Every Monday
Hours 10am-6pm
*All Veterans and their Spouses are Free Will Donation*
(Proof of service required) 


The "432" Newsletter is about EES & More.



W1898 370th Ave.

Maiden Rock, WI. 54750

Tel: 715-448-0445


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© 2035 About Time Wellness Retreat 715-448-0445

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